Thursday, June 17, 2010

3 More Months!

Last Saturday, June 12, while cooking for our house blessing that afternoon, I received a call from the fertility clinic telling me that they received the results from my Day 3 blood tests and that apparently, I was not immune to Rubella.  They recommended I get the shot before I begin my fertility treatments. I said fine, that's no problem at all.

So the following Tuesday, while waiting for the MOA to prepare the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)shot, I asked my family doctor if he got the results to my Day 3 bloods tests.  He said he did and apparently my FSH levels are normal (below 9), my LH levels are normal and my Androgen levels are normal.  Great, good news.  However, since I am getting the MMR shot, he told me I had to restrain from TTC for three months since becoming pregnant with a fetus infected with rubella can result with me having to terminate the pregnancy!! (see Blueberry Muffin Baby)  I really didn't want to hear that! But then I thought, well, we waited almost two years, might as well wait for another three months.  He advised me that we need to use contraceptives for the next three months! I mean, B and I have not used those for a long time!

I guess it's better that I go through all this now rather than later.  It's just that sometimes it's so hard to see the positive side when everything seems so... negative.

Tomorrow, I will be going for my HSG.  With all my blood work turning out to be normal, I'm getting extremely nervous about this procedure.  I mean, what if my tubes are blocked?  What if they tell me that the only option I have is IVF?! What if! What if! What if! I seriously should just learn how to relax!

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