Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nonsensical Ramblings: In the Midst of the 2WW

Right now, I'm kind of in the middle of my 2WW period (6 DPO, to be exact).  I had an ultrasound appointment on the 6th of this month with the fertility clinic to find out if my body did respond to Clomid.  The ultrasound went well.  I had a 21mm follicle in my right ovary.  He said we should get an HCG shot done that day to stimulate ovulation and BD that night and the next day.  BDing for the two days wasn't easy.  I was extremely cranky with B the whole time, poor boy.  It just felt like there was so much pressure to do things right.

The nurse told me to take a blood pregnancy test 16 days after my HSG shot.  So on September 22, I'll be heading down to the lab for a test.  That is, if AF doesn't show up first.

Today and yesterday, I had cramps in my lower abdomen, backache and BBS discomfort.  Typical symptoms for me when I'm about to have AF.  I'm really trying hard not to think about it and self-diagnose like I usually do and so far it's working. I'm surprised by how patient I am right now. I'm usually pretty impatient.  Anyway, if AF comes, I'm pretty okay with it (though I'd prefer it doesn't) because I know we can always try again next month.

I had a talk with my father-in-law yesterday.  He told me he believes that we should not resort to fertility treatments in order to get pregnant and instead, just pray to God in order for Him to grant us a child.  He said God grants us our heart's desire and surely he will grant mine.  I understand his point and now I'm wondering if B and I are doing the right thing.

It's not like I'm leaving God out of the picture.  On the contrary.  Everyday, I pray for His will in my life and for our family.  Everyday I ask him for strength to not lose hope, and for strength to accept His will no matter what that is.  I pray that He grant B and I a child. Every single day.

I'm confused -- Do we continue to depend on fertility treatments? More importantly, can medicine and faith.... for the lack of a better word... "co-exist"? Can God grant our desire through these fertility treatments?

So far, I haven't had any feeling that B and I are doing the wrong thing.  In fact, it feels great.  Is it wrong to feel that way?

Dear God, grant me wisdom!

1 comment:

Fran said...

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for about 19 months now. I would never have imagined that it would take this long...

Numerous hospital visits, blood works, clomid, hcg, hsg (being told contradicting results that right tube was partially blocked/they were both blocked), menogon injections, duphaston, time off work (having to make excuses all the time), amount of money spent, anxiety, frustration, anger, depression, hurt, bitterness... I finally decided to take time off it all and let God do His thing!

He is God right? There is nothing impossible with Him! I have left it all in His hands as when He blesses, it is FREE and He adds no sorrow with it! And you know what? I feel much more certain and peaceful about having children and the future than I have felt before.

U/S showed cysts on my ovaries and since we started ttc my periods became irregular. I have always had regular periods and never been on contraception so it was really puzzling and frustrating.

but, enough of all that frustration and worry, what God is set to do - He will do! I am pretty positive about that. He says it and He will bring it to pass.

A word had been spoken over you that you would be a mother. If you can, I will advise you to take up on your father in law's view and leave it in God's Hand. That is what I have decided to do and feel much better for it. The anxiety about having to visit the doctor, tests, results and all what not have all evaporated.

I will be praying for you and very soon we will both be proud mothers in Jesus name! Amen!