Thursday, September 2, 2010

Clomid and Fertile Focus

So... as far as I can tell, taking Clomid on CD 3 to 7 went well.  I guess it was because I decided to take it at 9 PM instead of during the day time, since a lot of people have written that taking Clomid at night greatly reduces the side effects. Thank goodness. I've been really scared that I would be extremely grumpy at work and scare the crap out of my boss and my co-workers.

Anyway, I ordered a saliva ovulation predictor test online (from Fairhaven Health) a couple of weeks ago because I just about keeled over when I saw the price for OPKs at a local supermarket ($50 for a 7 day kit!!). And since my cycles are erratic and have a temperament of their own, I have completely no idea on when I will ovulate.  A co-worker advised me that buying OPKs in the States would be better since it was about $30 cheaper than it was here in Vancouver but I decided to give this saliva ovulation predictor test a try first. I've been reading tons of good reviews and figured why not, right? After all, it was only about USD$27 AND it was re-usable.  Double bonus for me!

 I got the package yesterday and this morning I gave it a try... and it works!!  I could actually see some "ferning" crystal-like patterns!

It just meant that I was in "transition" or it supposedly means that the big "O" may occur in a few days.  I have yet to know the consistency of the results since I have read that Clomid can affect the results but hey, it's better than nothing, right?

I'm actually really glad I bought it.  I still might have to buy OPKs but it won't be as often. It's going to save us tons of money.

Anyway, if this inexpensive gadget works and actually helps me get pregnant, I'll be sure to promote this product to anyone I know who's trying.

Have a good day, ladies!

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