Thursday, August 26, 2010


About a month and half ago, I had a "mini" breakdown.  I was talking to E. during my lunch time at work and just started bawling my eyes out.  It seemed like I was dealing with problem after problem with no end in sight.  I was frustrated about how things were turning out and extremely nervous about the upcoming provera/clomid cycle.  I was a wreck.

I realized I had to take a break.  A break from everything and thankfully, the circumstances that happened during that time kept my thoughts away from infertility and everything else.

The time away ultimately did me some good and I was finally able to get my thoughts and my act together.

I realized that being infertile should not define me as a person. Yes, I have problems but in the end, I believe that B and I will manage to overcome it, no matter what happens.

Tomorrow will be my first day in taking clomid (100 mg). I was given the "go" signal to start taking provera on August 16 for 7 days. Thankfully, on August 25, AF came.

Though I am extremely nervous about what will happen, I am also kind of excited.  After more than two years of waiting, despair and frustration, the time has come for us to really start trying. I'm trying to not to get my hopes up because I know that this is only the beginning but at the same time, at least it's something.

I have e-mailed my RE to let her know that AF has started and she has e-mailed me back to let me know that a nurse will be contacting me shortly to set up an ultrasound appointment.

Please keep B and I in your prayers as we start this journey together. I am more nervous about the side effects of clomid then anything else so please, pray for us.


Anonymous said...

i know it will happen cuz you're such a great gal and will be a great mom!

we're always there for you no matter what!!!


Arwen said...

I'm so grateful for that, K. I'm glad I have you guys for support. :-)

Miss you tons!