Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And I Forever will be Known as Clumsy (Embarrassing Moment #949)

Seeing as my posts have been all serious lately, let me just share with you what happened to me today:

B usually drops me off work in the mornings and most mornings, I usually do not watch him leave but quickly blow him a goodbye kiss and go my merry way as soon as I close the car door.

This morning, for some reason, I stood there watching him drive off and then while I was watching him, I started walking.  I did not even make one complete step when all of a sudden, I feel this sudden pain on the right side of my face and my left knee. Well, guess what? I ran into a post. A freaking post! Not a human being or something that was moving, but a stationary, it's always there, why didn't you see it??! post.

Imagine me hitting the post, arms and feet splayed out as if temporarily suspended mid-air and *gong* goes the post and *gong* went my brain. That sound, which echoed through my head for more than a minute and a half, after I realized I hit the darn thing.  I am pretty sure I just managed to unintentionally kill off a million brain cells.

I must have stood there for a few seconds staring at the post, wondering how in tarnation I didn't see it. Of course, I was so embarrassed that I quickly looked around to see if there were any bystanders that were laughing (not to mention any passing cars).  But surprisingly, for what usually is considered a busy street, there was hardly anyone there.

After I regained my composure and got my tea from Starbucks, I quickly called B to regale him of what just happened.  Needless to say, he started laughing but quickly composed himself and asked if I was okay. Fortunately, aside from a bruised ego, a scratch on my left knee, and a swollen right side of my face, I'm okay.

I just hope and pray that if I ever have a baby, s/he won't be as clumsy as I am.


Anonymous said...

at least he didn't SEE you! hope you're alright but your post made me laugh! it happens to me alot too..hahaha


Arwen said...

Hahahaha, I know eh.

I'm okay but the right side of my head is still a little swollen.

Everytime, I think about what happened, I can't help but laugh.